Clean. Classic. Precise.



Gillette approached Circus Maximus to develop a global photography toolkit for use across e-commerce platforms in each of their global regions.

Our objective was to update and elevate each sub-brand’s look and feel using a blend of product, lifestyle, in-situ, and ingredient photography. We concepted, produced, and retouched a suite of photography assets for global use across e-content platforms.

Gillette model admiring clean shaven face
Gillette intimate stick with coconut
Gillete intimate cleanser with aloe
Clean shaven Gillette model
Gillette razor on shower wall
Gillette intimate stick and cleanser on shower shelf
Gillette intimate stick in hand
Gillette Skin product lineup
Gillette model admiring clean shaven face
Gillette razor on bathroom counter
King C. Gillette shaving brush on counter
King C. Gillette shaving cream swatch
King C. Gillette trimmer on counter
King C. Gillette model shaving with razor
King C. Gillette original shaving cream on bathroom counter



Icelandic Provisions